Nutrition for healthy hormones in perimenopause & beyond (catch the recording)

functional wellness healthy habits holistic nutrition Jun 14, 2024

Women are seeking information in droves about how to support their bodies through perimenopause and into the post-menopausal stage of life.

The information and support available for women going through the menopausal transition is sparse.

Even a women’s health physician shared with the women in my recent wellness program that she, as well as her colleagues, had been overly focused on how to support their patients in their reproductive years. 

They had little training or knowledge in how to support their patients after their reproductive years. 

There seems to be a big push to do more research and learning for women in perimenopause and beyond.  It's exciting to see! 

If you ask any woman in her 40's or 50's she’ll tell you that she is experiencing, or expects to experience, symptoms through the menopausal transition.

For many women this can be a tough phase of life with sleepless nights, hot flashes, headaches, body pains and weight gain (along with many other possible symptoms).

The good news is that more and more wellness professionals are shining the spotlight on the need for more perimenopausal and menopausal support programs.

The topic of perimenopause is so popular that it doubled the size of my online women's wellness groups this year when we started focusing on this topic.

We had some amazing featured speakers from the women’s health industry give talks to the women in the group.

I gave a talk about supporting hormones and our body nutritionally during our 40's and beyond.

Today, I'm sharing the recording of my talk “Nutrition for Healthy Hormones in Perimenopause & Beyond” from my January women’s wellness program with you.

It’s just a little thank you for being a loyal reader of my Nourish to Thrive emails and blog!

Watch the recording here

I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've watched the recording.  Just hit reply to this email!

Do you believe you are entering into perimenopause, or have you reached menopause?

Do you want to learn how to support your body nutritionally and holistically to feel your best through this transition and beyond?

I help women with this all the time and can help you too.

The next step to getting the support you deserve during this phase of life is to book a complimentary discovery session with me.

This is where we get to know each other and can talk about any symptoms you are experiencing and how nutritional therapy can support you in resolving symptoms and feeling well in your body again.

No need to suffer any longer!  Let's jump on a discovery session and talk about where you want to go and how we'll get you there!

In health,

Heather Glenn

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Restorative Wellness Practitioner & Certified Holistic Health Coach

Certified Behavior Change & Weight Management Specialist

Nourish to Thrive

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