Nourish to Thrive Blog

Your guide to a nourished body and mind

The Big 3 Environmental Toxins that Contribute to Inflammation (Anti-inflammatory Series Part 3) functional wellness holistic nutrition Feb 16, 2024

Inflammation in our body can come from sources besides our food.

Often times we get so focused on inflammation caused by the foods we eat, or how we can eat foods that lower inflammation, but we don't consider (or maybe are not aware) that our environment can be contributing to our inflammation...

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Foods that are Contributing to Inflammation (Anti-Inflammatory Series Part 2) functional wellness holistic nutrition Feb 09, 2024

One of the best ways to decrease inflammation in our body is to reduce or remove inflammatory foods.

The "Big 3" inflammatory foods that everyone can benefit from reducing or removing are:

1. Bad Fats

  • Partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans-fat)
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Rancid vegetable oils (vegetable...
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11 Signs of Chronic Inflammation (Anti-Inflammatory Series Part 1) functional wellness holistic nutrition Feb 02, 2024

Anti-inflammatory diets are a hot topic these days and for good reason.

As of 2014 nearly 60% of Americans had at least one chronic inflammatory health condition and 42% had more than one according to estimates by Rand Corporation.(1)

It is anticipated that diseases associated with chronic...

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One thing you must STOP doing if you have heartburn or acid reflux functional wellness healthy habits Dec 15, 2023

Holidays are a time when many of us will overeat and indulge on heavier foods than we are used to eating.

This will lead many of us to experience heartburn and acid reflux.

Heartburn and acid reflux are fairly common, and most of us assume that it’s caused by having too much stomach acid.


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Will eliminating foods fix my bloating and gut problems? functional wellness holistic nutrition Nov 30, 2023

Food elimination diets have become very popular in recent years, and for good reason. 

Eliminating foods that our body is reacting to can bring relief from uncomfortable and debilitating symptoms caused by the damage to our digestive tract and by our immune system reacting to those...

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How do you know which foods YOUR body needs? functional wellness holistic nutrition Nov 09, 2023

Experts will recommend their favorite supplements and foods encouraging everyone to consume them to achieve their best life.

The problem with this is everyone has different genetics, different nutrient-depleting stressors, and different health circumstances.

One person may need more protein while...

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Exercise & Counting Calories Isn't Enough to Keep You Healthy Today functional wellness Oct 13, 2023

Exercise and managing calorie consumption are great places for us to start when we want to improve our health and lose some weight (which we are told will help us improve our health).

But these two things alone are not enough to keep our body healthy or to keep us highly functional and thriving...

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Your Frustrating Symptoms Are Good For You functional wellness Oct 05, 2023

Symptoms are cues from our body that something is “off” and needs our attention.

  •  We might be missing important nutrients from our diet, burning through them too quickly, or not absorbing them properly.
  •  One or more of our organs or body systems might be dysregulated,...
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Take control of your health with nutritional therapy and a functional approach to wellness functional wellness Dec 10, 2020

A year ago I was struggling with chronic fatigue, nausea, heart burn and extreme bloating. I spent most of my days in complete discomfort. It hurt to eat, it hurt to button my pants, I felt nauseous at times, and often just didn’t want to eat. When I did feel hungry, I’d eat a...

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